5th Day of Hanukkah | Candle #6 Tonight
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Chag Urim Sameach! For the Festival of Lights, we hope these reflections on light will illuminate your week. As we reflect on the meaning of light, and our power to bring it into the world, we invite you to increase the light this Hanukkah with our Center for Tikkun Olam Hanukkah Give Back Guide.

From the moment it was created, we—people—have been in search of light. From the moment we discovered fire, we understood the power of light. Light has meant power, it has meant hope, it has meant possibility, invention, and discovery. It still does.

In Aramaic, the language of the Talmud, the word for Torah comes not from instruction, as it does in Hebrew, but from the word for light. Like a light that illuminates the path forward, our Torah—our text and tradition—is meant to guide us, showing us the steps ahead. And, like the light that our ancestors have always sought, the light of Torah should—for us—mean hope, possibility, invention, and discovery.

— Rabbi Sari Laufer