Having a genuine desire to pray and connect doesn’t always lead to what feels like meaningful prayer. Each of us have our own roadblocks: lack of time, inner or outer resistance, inability to understand Hebrew, or just feeling distracted. I have always found that making daily time for prayer, even just a few moments right when I wake up, helps to quiet some of those voices that push away a sense of authenticity or an ability to connect. Eloquent or not, our prayers, songs, and journaling are all deserving and no feeling of shame or inadequacy should cause us to hide from discovering God or ourselves.
This week, how might you make space for prayer in your life? I love these two prayers from Rabbi Naomi Levy, a great teacher and seeker of prayer. I hope that they will help you to find inspiration for a moment of prayer each day this week.

— Cantor Emma Lutz

A Prayer for the Ability to Pray
Dear God, as I pray, day after unpredictable day,
May the voice of my soul spring forth from my lips.
May I turn to you, God, in tears, in laughter, in song.
And may my prayers be answered. Amen.

A Prayer for Daily Insight
Open my eyes, God. Help me to perceive what I have ignored, to uncover what I have forsaken, to find what I have been searching for. Remind me that I don’t have to journey far to discover something new, for miracles surround me, blessings and holiness abound. And You are near. Amen.

— Rabbi Naomi Levy