Elul Challenge Day 14: Tefilah/Reflect

Take a walk and gather small rocks to use for Tashlich. Maybe you want to get smooth ones for your smaller mistakes and easier apologies; rough and edgy ones for the more difficult, etc.

Elul is all about preparing, about being ready—spiritually and emotionally—for the start of Rosh Hashanah. And so, as we come to the end of this second week, this week dedicated to introspection, we look ahead to Tashlich, to the symbolic casting away of our sins. Use the time to get outside, alone or with (socially-distanced!) friends or family. Take a walk, with favorite music or an inspiring podcast—or just the sounds of the world around you. And, take the time to reflect—to think about the mistakes and the behaviors that you want to leave behind in this year, the pieces that you want to cast away. Gather them up, and get ready to enter the New Year with the promise of new possibilities.

— Rabbi Sari Laufer

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