Elul: Fixing ourselves, repairing the world

Appropriately, the focus during the month of Elul and on the actual High Holy Days begins internally. We are instructed and guided to focus on ourselves. How have we conducted ourselves over the past year? Who have we wronged? How might we have lived up to our own potential more fully? What insights can we gain into our engagement with the world that will allow us to become the people we are yet to be in the year ahead?

And…and…and: is that enough? It is important to right our relationships. It is important to undertake deep self-reflection. It is important to realign our character so that we more fully reflect the self we aspire to be in our actions. That is a good start, for sure.

The corresponding journey into ourselves and through Elul doesn’t end at the self. It continues into the broader world and requires that we reflect on the state of affairs for all who share the world with us. Elul necessitates not merely that we journey into ourselves and mend our souls, but also that we gaze into a broken world and help mend the souls of others.

Check out the Elul Eleven page to see what you can do.

— Rabbi Ron Stern

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