This Shabbat we read the last Torah portion in the book of Genesis. It includes a special blessing that Jacob, on his deathbed, gives to his beloved son Joseph. Interestingly and suggestively, the blessing for Joseph is invoked literally on the heads of his two sons, Menashe and Ephraim.

This is the text from the Torah: “And [Jacob] blessed Joseph saying, ‘The God in whose ways my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my shepherd from my birth to this day… Bless these lads. In them may my name be recalled,  and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac… By you shall Israel invoke blessings, saying: ‘God make you like Ephraim and Menashe.’” (Genesis 48:15-20)

The blessing for Joseph is that future generations will bless their children invoking the names of his sons. What a beautiful and inspiring way to think about what it means to be blessed. It’s not about material gain, fame, or renown. True blessing is witnessing one’s child (or niece or nephew or a child of those we cherish if we don’t have kids of our own) leading a life of integrity and goodness, a life that brings healing and hope to the world.

Our task is to nurture, support, and inspire the generations to come so that others will be blessed by the work of their hands.

Shabbat Shalom,