By Felice Williams

When we started this journey five years ago, we couldn’t have known that we’d be here today after five years of study and reflection, contemplating what Melton course we’d like to tackle next year! Who would have thunk?

Initially we were a group of Jewish adults interested in exploring topics of religious identity, history and practice in our modern and complex Jewish world, in an intellectually stimulating and pluralistic learning environment. We thought two years was a long commitment, but decided to go for it!

But, like most intensive study, the more you learn, the more questions you have. Add to that the fact that the Melton curriculum is interactive, and thought- provoking, AND that the Melton faculty consists of educators extraordinaire, which resulted in a learning environment where the time flew by quickly and our time together as classmates felt meaningful and relevant.

At the end of each year, those of us here looked at one another and realized we had more questions, more topics to explore, and that our study together brought relevance and deeper meaning to our lives as Jews in the modern, and often confusing, world we live in.

So here we are, five years later, still on this journey, enjoying our commitment to adult Jewish learning. By the way, I highly recommend Melton to each of you! You might consider making lifelong Jewish learning a part of your life!